The National Marian Mantle Group

 "Do whatever He tells you."   Jn 2:5

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Words from the Communion of Saints:   On Prayer

Persistence in Prayer  Luke 18:1-8

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Rejoice Always!  Pray Constantly!   1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

Whoever flees prayer flees all that is good.               ~   St. John of the Cross

Only he will receive, will find, and will enter who perseveres in asking, seeking and knocking.     
                 ~   St. Louis de Montfort

Mary seeks for those who approach her devoutly and with reverence, for such she loves, nourishes, and adopts as her children.                 ~    St. Bonaventure

If we love God and are faithful to Him, we shall be at peace, and this peace will endure     ~   St. Madeline Sophie Barat

Go to Jesus. He loves you and is waiting for you to give you many graces. He is on the altar surrounded by angels adoring and praying. Let them make some room for you and join them in doing what they do.     
                ~   St. Mary Joseph Rossello

The rosary is said not with the lips alone, muttering Hail Marys one after the other. ... For a Christian vocal prayer must spring from the heart, so that while the rosary is said, the mind can enter into contemplation of each one of the mysteries.    
                 ~   St. Josemaria Escriva


One just soul can attain pardon for a thousand sinners.       
              ~   St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

We must pray without ceasing, in every occurrence and employment of our lives - that prayer which is rather a habit of lifting up the heart to God as in a constant communication with Him.                        ~   St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

No sacrifice is more acceptable to God than zeal for souls.        
                ~   St. Gregory the Great


The devil strains every nerve to secure the souls which belong to Christ. We should not grudge our toil in wresting them from Satan and giving them back to God.                        ~   St. Sebastian

We need no wings to go in search of Him, but have only to find a place where we can be alone and look upon Him present within us.        
                            ~   St. Teresa of Avila