Welcome to the Marian Mantle Online
Prayer Group!
Frequently Asked Questions
(This list will be built from your questions as you ask them.)
Q. Who belongs to this group?
A. If you choose to become a member, you will
be joining in prayer with a group of parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles,
brothers, sisters, cousins, and friends who pray for those who are
no longer practicing Catholics. Each one's story is a little different,
but, the heartache is the same. A child has left the Church and we hurt for
them and for ourselves because we want them to have the fullness of Faith
found only in the Holy Eucharist. We do not judge them-Jesus said, "Judge
not lest you yourselves be judged." What we do is love them,
unconditionally, because they are our children, our loved ones. We follow
Jesus/ command to "Love one another as I have loved you," And we
Q. How much does it cost?
A. There is no cost other than your agreement to pray with us for the
group's intentions. Once a year, during the month of September—the month
dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows--we do ask our members to send whatever
donation they can spare, to help us cover expenses of the Internet and
office. We will send a reminder in August.
Q. How often will I receive an email update?
A. You will receive an email update every two weeks, on Friday. This will
include prayer requests emailed from the members of the prayer group and
those received on the web site from visitors.
Q. How/where do I send a prayer request?
A. Email your prayer request(s), to
pray@marianmantle.com It will
be included in the next update.
Q. When should I pray?
A. In addition to daily prayer, all members are asked to offer a prayer
for the intentions of the group sometime during the 3:00p.m.
hour every Friday, if possible. The web site team gathers for weekly prayer
at that time, also.
Q. As a member, what should I pray for?
A. Pray for your own prodigal and for the intentions of all other members,
especially for the return of our children to the Catholic Faith. Plus, pray
for peace of mind and joy-filled lives for each of us during this time of
patient waiting for our children to return with us to the table of the Lord.
Q. What are the benefits of membership?
A. This Is What You Receive From Your Membership: |