Prayers for Prodigal Catholics
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Where Two or More are Gathered . . .

We asked some who pray in "Silent Strength" Prayer Groups, to share how they feel about their prayer group.

Vicki: "Our ‘Silent Strength’ prayer group is important to all who come. When together, insight gained from each person is special. We help each other grow as we share concerns. Prayer offered for family and friends, as we offer prayer for our prodigals, gives everyone a feeling of peace. Even if we aren't all together every time, we gain strength from knowing that the rest of the group is praying for us. Christ's peace fills our lives even in the face of what may seem to be failure because we are all praying for our prodigals and each other. Our MM prayer group is an important part of our spiritual growth.

Susan: "I like the opportunity to participate in our prayer group because it is prayer that hits close to home.  All the better for me that there is a group. I think it's important.  All I seem to be thinking about is me, but when it comes to prayer, it is not selfishness as much as it is acknowledgment.  God created and loves me. Jesus died for me.  The Holy Spirit was sent as our advocate.  I am a sinful human being, but in his mercy, he calls me as his child. A person in another group I belonged to used to say, ‘Watch what you reach for when you are in trouble or hurting.’ Reaching for the Bible, or to Jesus and the Blessed Mother, is what I've been trying to focus on when I'm reaching."

 Barbara: "I say ‘Praise God that the MMG is in my life‘. I see little changes taking place in my family life. Much, I am sure, has to do with me and how "I" have changed. Most of our people seem to agree. Change and peace come when we realize that the Dear Lord does hear our prayers and, in His time, will change things. Many of our people also have an Adoration Hour. Here in our Tri- Parish community we are blessed to have Adoration Chapels in all three churches and now also a "Silent Strength" Prayer Group in each. Through the dedication of the people that attend, we have already seen good things happen among us. I'm sure we will continue to do so when those praying have such belief in prayer." ♥

From "Silent Strength"  The Newsletter of the Marian Mantle Group, July, 2006
© Marian Mantle Group, Inc.  All rights reserved.  Permission to reprint must be requested in writing.  For permission to reprint email the Newsletter editor.