Marian Mantle Group

"Do whatever He tells you."  

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We Join in Prayer Under the Mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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[Prayer intentions submitted to this group are shared only in the semi-weekly email update sent to members of the online prayer group.  Please keep all of us and our prodigals in your prayers--just as we will pray for you.]

Marian Mantle Prayer Group Update For June 1, 2007



Hi, Everyone,

          How are you doing in your efforts to help your loved one(s) return to the practice of the Faith?  Believe me, I understand that some of you feel as if you have been praying forever, I understand that you are sometimes tempted to believe nothing will ever change, I understand that things may even seem to be getting worse instead of better.  I do understand.  And so do many of those in this group who are praying together with you for your loved ones and for theirs.  

          When these feelings and thoughts arise, that is the time for us to fight against them.  How do we do that?  Where will we ever get the strength? 

          Let’s think back to the time after the Ascension.  What did the apostles do after Jesus left them?  They, too, were tired and afraid.  So scared that they hid from the world.  But, then the Holy Spirit came and they flung open the doors, ran into the streets and proclaimed the Word to anyone who was close enough to hear their voices!  Wow!  If we could just “get” the Holy Spirit the way the apostles did! 

          Well, guess what!  You already have!  The spirit of the Lord came upon you the moment you were baptized.  When you were confirmed you received those gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.  The Catechism of the Catholic Church says of these gifts, “They make the faithful docile in readily obeying divine inspirations.”  We CAN renew our commitment to persevere in prayer.  We HAVE what you need.  All we have to do is ask the Spirit to help us follow through.  Let’s add one little prayer to our daily words: “Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in us the fire of Your Love.”  Let me know what happens.

          May we each have the perseverance in prayer of St Monica and the unconditional love of the father of the Prodigal Son.  Through the Grace of God, may the time come swiftly when we, too, will proclaim, “Rejoice with me! The prodigal for whom I have prayed has come home!”




June 1, 2007

+Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us and for our children.
+St. Benedict, St. Jude, and St. Monica, pray for us.

+For all our prodigals to find the truth and return to the Lord and His church.
+For all those unspoken intentions in our hearts known only to us and to God, and for all previous intentions of this list.  

"Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation."   ~Isaiah 12: 2




I commend to Mary "Queen of the family" all the world's families, especially those that are encountering serious difficulties, and I invoke her motherly protection upon them.     ~John Paul II, Papal Message, the Angelus, Dec 29, 1996






+ It is almost time for the next newsletter to be printed and mailed. 

--If you would like to try your hand at writing, please email me for more information.  Articles need be no lengthier than 500 words—and shorter is certainly acceptable and useful.

--If you would like to receive the printed newsletter and have not sent me your postal address, please do so. 

--If you would like to help with the newsletter mailing, email me.

+If you are looking for help in improving your intercessory prayer for prodigals, the recording “Has Anyone Seen My Hula Hoop?”, available on the Marian Mantle Website may be helpful.
+If you have news to share, contact MaryAnn.
+If you would like information about having the Silent Strength presentation come to your parish or Catholic organization, contact 913-526-8977 or
+If you no longer wish to receive this update, reply with “unsubscribe” in the body of the email