Marian Mantle Group

"Do whatever He tells you."  

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We Join in Prayer Under the Mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary

[Please send your prayer requests to or]

Marian Mantle Prayer Group Update For January 14, 2007



Hi, Everyone,

          Your newsletter should be either in your mailbox or in the hands of your prayer group coordinator!  Yes, we actually got this one out by our target date.  My thanks to Joyce, Theresa, Leah, and Bob who helped with the mailing yesterday.  I would have been working 10 hours or more if I would have had to do the mailing alone, so I am most grateful to them for making the sacrifice of time to come and help.  I pray God will bless them abundantly.  We did a lot or work, had a lot of fun, good conversation, and even spiritual uplifting while we worked together.  If you sent us stamps, I thank you so much.  The message has been spread a little more, one more time due to your generosity.  My thanks also, to all who wrote an article.  Let us pray for all our prodigal loved ones to be drawn back to the “breaking of the bread”, that they may hunger to be fed, and recognize Christ there. In this time of making new year resolutions, consider resolving to schedule time into your busy life to visit the Blessed Sacrament and take your concerns for your loved ones there.

          I ask your prayers for all our prayer group coordinators.  Several are facing surgery and other serious health issues right now.  We ask the Blessed Mother to spread her mantle of protection over them and the Lord Jesus to bring them healing.  May God remember the work, the time, and the effort they are putting in for His sake, and have Mercy on them.

          I also ask your help with the Jan 21 presentation at Sanctuary of Hope.  If you plan to be there, please give me a call or email and make your reservation so we get an idea of how many to plan for.  Also, I need your

help that day, if possible.  The information about the presentation follows this section today.  It has a list of help that we need to make it a success.  If possible, please volunteer.

          Mother Teresa said to do small things with great love.  Is love always the answer?  I spoke with a woman last week who sounded quite disgusted with some of her relatives, and even more disgusted with their parents. She said something like, “Those kids don’t bother to go to mass.  I don’t even think they pray!  Their parents should just tell them they aren’t welcome in their home until they go back to church.  That would stop it right now!”  Later, she said she doesn’t go to mass very often because she hasn’t accepted the changes since Vatican II. It always amazes me how we seem to be able to quickly identify when someone else needs to change, but have such a difficult time seeing the need to change in ourselves.  I’m as guilty of that as anyone. 

In the middle of the night I woke up and was thinking about that conversation.  I have any words for her  except to say that the parents of those prodigal adult children love them—no matter what they choose to do.  I didn’t know if I’d said what I should.

Then I realized, Mother Teresa was right.  Love truly is the answer.  When you love someone unconditionally you are following God’s example.  Where would any of us sinners be if God simply gave up on us and refused to be there, refused to listen, refused to let us come back home when we are repentent?  Those children already know that their parents don’t approve of what they are doing, just as we know when we sin that God does not approve of our actions.  God loves us anyhow.  He is ready to listen when we want to talk.  He is ready to welcome us back home—even when He knows we will probably slip again.  He loves us unconditionally in spite of ourselves.  He waits patiently for us to decide to change—perhaps with a nudge here or there when the opportunity arises to gently guide us to that needed change.  But, He never forces us. He loves us unconditionally.  Should we who love our prodigal Catholics treat them any differently than God treats us?  He’s the best example I can think of! 

(Note: I realize there are times when an adult child can not be allowed into your home—if, after prayer and careful consideration, you have made the decision to not enable someone who has issues with drugs, alcohol, etc., please continue to follow your decisions and the guidance of your priest or professional counselor.)

May God grant each of us the perseverance of St. Monica and the unconditional love of the father of the Prodigal Son.  May the day come swiftly when we, too, are able to say “the child for whom I have prayed has come home.”



The next presentation of  Silent Strength: Has Someone You Love Left the Church? will be Sunday,
Jan 21, 2007, 2:00 p.m. at Sanctuary of Hope Prayer and Retreat Center 2601 Ridge, Kansas City, KS.  WE HOPE TO SEE YOU AND A FRIEND THERE!

The Afternoon’s Agenda

(Meet in the Chapel – From the Front Door go down the hall to elevator on right, stairs on the left—go up one floor.  From the Side [East] Door, go straight ahead to elevator or take the stairs up two flights)


2:00: Welcome and Opening Prayer - Fr. Dennis Wait

“Has Someone You Love Left the Church?”  - MaryAnn


“Has Anyone Seen My Hula Hoop?”  - MaryAnn

Prayer Service: “Christmas to Calvary:  A Journey with Mary” –Fr. Dennis and friends

Refreshments served in the Dining Room


Note:  As always, no one will be asked to share their story publicly.  However, MaryAnn, Bob, and other members of the MMG will be available to visit with anyone who wishes.  We will remain until everyone who wants to talk one-on-one has done so.

Cost:  None.  A free-will offering to benefit Sanctuary of Hope will be accepted.

All are welcome.  Bring a friend!  Each new person means another prayer partner for all of us.

Reservations:  Seating is limited. Reservations are requested but not required.  Call Julie (Sanctuary of Hope) at 913-321-4673 to reserve your place and help us to know how many to plan for.

Retreat rooms:  There are some rooms  available for  overnight guests.  Call Julie or visit for information about rooms.

Help Needed:  Please contact MaryAnn (913-526-8977 or  if you are willing to help with one of the following: 

Bake a dozen cookies –several people needed

Help serve refreshments –1 or 2 people needed

Help to greet people and distribute hand-outs – 2 people needed

Be a reader in the prayer service -  5 people needed

Provide transportation for someone who needs a ride – 1 or 2 people needed

Driving Directions:

From the I-70 exit 419  (Park Dr / 38th St)

go East on Park Drive to 26th Street. Turn Right (South) onto 26th Street. Go to Ridge Avenue (Sanctuary of Hope entrance).

From the I-70 exit 420B (18th Street North), go North (just past the National Guard Armory) to Ridge Avenue. Turn left (West) onto Ridge Avenue. Go to 26th St. (Sanctuary of Hope entrance).

[Prayer intentions submitted to this group are shared only in the semi-weekly email update sent to members of the online prayer group.  Please keep all of us and our prodigals in your prayers--just as we will pray for you.]


+Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us and for our children.
+St. Benedict, pray for us.
+St. Jude, pray for us.
+St. Monica, pray for us.
+For all our prodigals to find the truth and return to the Lord and His church.
+For all those unspoken intentions in our hearts known only to us and to God, and for all previous intentions of this list.  



For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures for ever,

and his faithfulness to all generations.  ~Psalm 100:5



 Hope is hearing the melody of the future.  Faith is to dance it.  ~author unknown



 +Volunteers to help at January 21 presentation


+Volunteers to pray at home or in church before and during the Jan 21 presentation



+The Parents Litany is now available in Spanish, also.

+If you have good news to share, contact MaryAnn.

+If you would like information about having the Silent Strength presentation come to your parish or Catholic organization, contact 913-526-8977 or

+When you submit a prayer request, please make certain the words “prayer request” are in the subject of your email.

+Please pray for the Marian Mantle Group that we will recognize and follow God’s leading in all that we do.

+If you no longer wish to receive this update, reply with “unsubscribe” in the body of the email.