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THROUGH HER EYES And Other Meditations on the Mysteries of the Rosary
is a little book with a great big impact!


Its poems and meditations present the life of Jesus as it may have been seen through the eyes of the woman who knew Him as her child and her son.

Beginning with Mary’s surprise at God’s word spoken by the angel, through her joys and sorrows as Jesus grew to manhood, began his public ministry, suffered, died and rose triumphant from the grave, we are led to discover the secret that allowed Mary to endure both great joy and great sorrow—her great faith and trust in God.


Sample Pages


Finally, we join in rejoicing at her coronation as Queen of Heaven

By reading these pages, we are called to make Jesus the center of our personal world and find the same faith that, like Mary, enables us to put aside our own anxiety and live our lives in peaceful trust.

This book has received:
Nihil Obstat
April 9, 2004
Fr. Gary P. Applegate J.C.L.
Archdiocese of
Kansas City in Kansas


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Catholic Christmas Gifts