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Advent Thoughts-2010

"Then, Feed One!"

Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.  ~Luke 6:38


     Last Wednesday, a young couple and their little son loaded their pick up truck with boxes and cans of food to help a local radio station fill a Mayflower moving van for Harvesters here in Kansas City.  They drove through pouring rain, which miraculously stopped as they drove up to the moving van to unload. The food goes directly to people who are hungry in this city.  The little boy said they bought the food to give to other little boys who didn’t have enough to eat.

     While Mom and Dad did good by teaching their little son that we need to share what we have with those who have little,  they know they are both blessed with good jobs that enable them to have more than enough food in their own cupboards. 

     The young mother said two things while talking with me that I want to share with you.  She said, “I told my husband, you can’t out-give God.  We will receive this back in blessings.  That always happens.”  Then we talked about so many who are hungry and the fact that you can’t feed everyone.  The young woman said, “We just go by what Mother Teresa said: ‘If you can’t feed all the hungry people in the world, then, feed one.”

     As you pass the bell ringers for the Salvation Army, consider a contribution to them, to Catholic Charities, or however we are confronted with the opportunity to help during this holiday season.  May we remember to “feed one” and expect a blessing!

Do you have an Advent Thought to share?  Please do!