Advent Thoughts-2009

...for They Shall Be Comforted
                                                           ~by Ed Stubbing, Prayer Group Leader, NY

"We, as parents, spouses, siblings of prodigals,
can also "be comforted" in our mourning."


Our parish bulletin had "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." on its cover. Very unusual. The typical week has a sketch of the church and a listing of Masses, Confession, the names of the priests, etc.

I kept staring at the words of the second Beatitude long enough for that tricky little Holy Spirit to strike again.

Does "mourning" have to refer to physical death? Can it mean spiritual death? If yes, then we, as parents, spouses, siblings of prodigals, can also "be comforted" in our mourning. And what would comfort us? The return of those who no longer receive the sacraments. Or, as per God's infinite mercy, a last minute forgiveness that would allow our loved ones to enter Heaven.

I asked Father Paul, a Salesian priest, about the idea. Did an extended meaning of "mourning" and "comforting" make theological sense?

His response? "I like it. In fact, I will use it in a homily."

Come, Holy Spirit, come.